收集中国市场上7种主流的商品面纸,用TSA(Tissue Softness Analyzer)柔软度仪做柔软度值的评估。组织一个卫生纸柔软度评审小组对纸样柔软度做测定,将评审小组的测评结果和TSA的测定结果做对比,意在对TSA不同算法下得到的柔软度值做探讨。最后的结论是:柔软度评审小组的测评结果和TSA在FacialⅢ算法下的结果有较高的相关性,相关系数为0.9098,对于TSA来说,在FacialⅢ算法下的结果,能较好地区分开7种商品面纸的柔软度。
Seven commercial facial tissue samples were collected from China market and tested by both a 10 membered tissue softness panel and the TSA equipment. According to the comparison between TSA results and panel results, the tissue softness panel results had the best correlation with TSA results when using Facial In algorithm, which related coefficient reaches 0.9098. Facial In algorithm was then recommend when evaluating the facial tissue from China market.
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