
伊斯兰教国家亵渎宗教言论的法律规制研究——基于对埃及、巴基斯坦和沙特阿拉伯三国的比较法分析 被引量:3

Research on Legal Regulation of Blasphemy in Islamic Countries:Based on a Comparative Law Analysis of Egypt,Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
摘要 与欧美基督教国家倾向于保障言论自由不同,伊斯兰教国家倾向于限制亵渎宗教言论。在立法层面,埃及、巴基斯坦和沙特阿拉伯三国均严厉禁止侮辱伊斯兰教先知、扭曲宗教教义和嘲弄穆斯林习俗的言论;在司法层面,这三个伊斯兰教国家均会对亵渎伊斯兰教的言论予以较重的刑事处罚甚至是死刑。这种严厉的法律规制的根源,不仅源于其宗教禁忌、一元信仰和法律宗教化,而且与其政治民主化发展程度息息相关。尽管伊斯兰教国家对亵渎宗教言论予以规制的做法符合国际社会通行的规则,但是其管制力度过大,处罚过于严厉。这不仅违背亵渎罪去刑化的国际趋势,而且在实践中也常常沦为打压异见的工具。 Muslim countries tend to limit the religious expression of blasphemy, which different from Christian countries in Europe and the United States that tend to protect the freedom of expression. In legislation, law generally strictly prohibits the speech of insulting the prophet of Islam, defiling religious doctrine and mockery of Muslim custom in Egypt, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia; On the judiciary, there could be heavier criminal liabilities even death penalties for desecration of religious expression in the three Islamic countries. The roots of the strict legal regulation not only lie in their religious taboos, homogeneous religion and religion of law, but also lie in the development level and political democratization. Although it in line with the rules of international community, the practice of regulation of blasphemy is too harsh that is contrary to general trend of blasphemy decriminalization, but also often reduced to be a tool of suppressing criticism and dissenting opinions in Islamic countries.
作者 卢家银
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第8期154-170,共17页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 香港城市大学中国大陆青年传播学者到访项目的支持~~
关键词 亵渎宗教 宗教诽谤 伊斯兰教国家 言论自由 Blasphemy, defamation of religion, Islamic countries, freedom of speech
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