
压气机叶型前缘形状对吸力面分离流动的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Leading-edge Geometry on Separation of High-lift Compressor Profile
摘要 通过实施高负荷压气机叶栅叶片表面流场显示实验和气动参数测量,针对前缘形态对叶栅通道内分离流动和叶型损失的影响展开了研究。实验采用两种前缘形状的高负荷叶型,在弦长雷诺数1.5×10^5-2.0×10^5之间进行。结果表明,该叶型吸力面流动分离由前缘分离、中部分离、尾缘开式分离组成;圆弧前缘相对椭圆弧前缘增厚了边界层起始动量厚度,进而影响了边界层向下游的发展,在实验条件下Re小于1.5×10^5时获得更小的总压损失;Re进一步增大,椭圆弧前缘因可抑制前缘分离和尾缘附近开式分离进而降低损失优势凸显。 A experimental study has been conducted to characterize the influence of leading edge geometry,Reynolds number on suction side separation of the high lift compressor cascade profile. Tests have been conducted in a low-speed linear compressor cascade at Reynolds numbers between 1. 0 × 10^5 to 2. 0 × 10^5. Separation on suction side of high lift profile can be divided into three categories:leading edge separation,middle section separation and trailing edge open-separation. Circular arc and elliptic arc leading edge was considered,the measurement results indicated that circular leading edge geometry has advantage at Reynolds number less than 1. 5 ×10^5with lower profile loss,but elliptic arc profile has a smaller leading edge separation bubble and open-separation area at Reynolds number large than 1. 5 × 10^5- 2. 0 × 10^5 which was more close to compressors design point.
出处 《燃气轮机技术》 2015年第3期24-30,37,共8页 Gas Turbine Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51206163)
关键词 压气机 前缘形状 吸力面 分离 compressor leading edge suction side separation
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