

Anti- metaphor in Contemporary Chinese Poetry
摘要 "反隐喻"是20世纪50年代以来西方后现代诗歌出现的新特征,表现为在诗歌创作中拒绝使用隐喻等修辞,使诗歌在接近现实、意识的状态中恢复语言的创造性。西方反隐喻诗歌一方面表现为客观化写作,将大量生活元素融入诗歌;另一方面则表现为意识流写作,使词语在流动的语言中消解掉固定意涵。而在中国,上海诗人王小龙在80年代中期针对朦胧诗的弊端践行了"反对意象化"的写作,是中国反隐喻的先声。90年代的于坚、韩东继续在反隐喻的道路探索,并丰富了反隐喻的理论基础。本文简要追溯诗歌中反隐喻产生的源流,对比中外反隐喻观的差异,再结合具体诗歌,阐释反隐喻背后语言观以及其存在的问题。 Anti - metaphor is a new feature of western post - modem poetry since the 1950s. It is characterized by a refusal of metaphors and other rhetorical devices in poem composition, and by locating poems in realistic consciousness so as to resume lan- guage creativity. On the one hand, western anti -metaphorical poetry displays a feature of objective writing with its integration of numerous daily life elements into poetry. On the other hand, stream of consciousness used in poem writing causes words to lose their fixed meanings in language flow. Quite on the contrary, one of Shanghai poets WANG Xiaolong practiced "anti - image" writing in order to eliminate the shortcomings of misty poetry in the mid - 1980s, which pioneered anti - metaphor in China. In the 1990s, YU Jian and HAN Dang continued their anti - metaphor exploration and enriched its theoretical foundation. Starting with a brief review to the anti - metaphor origin in poetry, this paper compares the differences between Chinese and foreign views towards anti - metaphor. By quoting specific poems, it means to explain the language views and problems behind anti - metaphor.
机构地区 西南大学文学院
出处 《南京理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期44-49,共6页 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"朦胧诗以来现代汉语诗歌的语言问题研究"(11BZW096)阶段性成果
关键词 后现代诗歌 隐喻 反隐喻 反语言 中外诗歌 metaphor anti - metaphor anti - language contemporary poetry
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