以三大高原的交汇地永登县为研究对象,在RS、GIS技术支持下,对永登县2009年Landsat TM影像进行解译得到景观类型现状数据,利用FRAGSTATS软件获得景观格局指数,进而分析永登县景观格局现状,并对景观格局的形成演化进行了驱动力分析。结果表明:永登县景观优势度较高,多样性低,草地和耕地占主导优势,草地是永登县的基质景观。各景观的分维值均较低,斑块形状简单。建设及工矿用地破碎化最为明显,分布分散;草地和平原旱地各自斑块间分布紧密,破碎度和分离度均较低。永登县景观格局的形成演化主要受到气候、地貌、土壤等自然因素及人口增长、政策变动、经济发展等社会经济因素的影响。
Based on RS,GIS and FRAGSTATS,the current condition of landscape pattern and its driving forces of Yongdeng County have been analyzed in this paper by using the Landsat TM images in year 2009. The results show that landscape dominance of Yongdeng County is high,and the landscape diversity is low. Grassland and Farmland are the dominant landscape types. The fractal dimension of each landscape type is low,which indicates the patch shape of each type is simple and regular. Landscape fragmentation index of constructed land is high than others ,its patches distribute dispersedly. Patches of grassland and plain dry land distribute closely,fragmentized degree of landscape of them are inconspicuous. The evolvement of landscape pattern of Yongdeng County falls under the effect of physical factors such as climate,landform and soil,synchronously both social and economical factors such as popu?lation number and fluctuation of policy influence the landscape pattern a lot.
Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
Yongdeng County
Landscape pattern
Landscape indices
Driving forces