目的 探讨TORCH感染介入性产前诊断方法和检测方法 ,研究其宫内传播率。方法 对 195例TORCH-IgM阳性孕妇在B超介导下行羊膜腔穿刺术和脐静脉穿刺术 ,获得的羊水和脐血用PCR(RT -PCR) ,ELISA和MEIA法检测TORCH -DNA(RNA)或TORCH -IgM。结果 羊膜腔穿刺术和脐静脉穿刺术全部成功 ,无严重并发症。其确诊胎儿宫内TORCH感染 17例 ,宫内TORCH感染率为 8 7%。结论 介入性产前诊断手术安全可靠 ,TORCH感染可宫内传播 ,TORCH感染的检测方法有待进一步改善。
Objective To investigate the invasive prenatal diagnosis and detecting methods for TORCH infections and to study the in utero transmittion rate. Methods Amniocentesis and cordocentesis by guided B-ultrasound were performed on 195 cases of pregnant women with positive TORCH-IgM. TORCH-DNA(RNA) or TORCH-IgM from amniotic fluid and cord blood samples was detected by PCR(RT-PCR), ELISA or MEIA. Results All the performances of amniocentesis and cordocentesis were successful without severe maternal and fetuses' complications. 17 fetuses were infected with an infection rate 8 7% in utero transmittion. Conclusion Invasive prenatal diagnosis is safe and efficient. TORCH infections can transmit in utero. Detecting methods for TORCH infections need to be improved.
Guangdong Medical Journal