
汾河临汾段主要污染源周边土壤重金属来源及抗性植物调查 被引量:5

Origins of Soil Heavy Metals and Resistant Plants around Primary Pollutant Sources in the Linfen Area of the Fenhe River
摘要 为明确汾河临汾段土壤重金属污染并寻找抗性植物,采集汾河临汾段的4个主要工业污染源附近的土壤和植物样品,检测重金属。结果表明,调查区内土壤Zn污染相对最严重,Mn污染较为严重,存在一定程度的Cd污染和潜在的Cu污染,不存在Pb污染;某钢厂是汾河临汾段最严重的污染源。主成分分析和聚类分析结果表明,Zn主要来源于某钢厂和洗煤厂B排放的污水和烟囱排放物,Mn主要来自于某钢厂、洗煤厂B和某造纸厂排放的污水,Cd和Cu可能主要来源于某钢厂排放的污水及其烟囱排放物;Zn和Mn污染同时受到自然和人为2种因素的控制,且人为因素的影响超越了自然因素,Cd污染主要受到人为因素的控制。采集的11种植物隶属于8科10属11种,菊科和十字花科的植物种类分别占所采集植物种类总数的27.27%和18.18%,其中,葎草、皱叶酸模、田旋花、小花糖芥、反枝苋和刺儿菜等6种植物可以考虑作为Cu,Zn和Cd复合污染土壤的修复植物。 Soil and plant samples were collected around primary industrial pollutant sources and concentration values of Cu, Zn,Mn, Cd and Pb were checked. The results showed that soil was most seriously polluted by Zn and heavily polluted by Mn relatively.Meanwhile, soil was polluted by Cd to a certain degree, some particular places in a steel mill had potential of being polluted by Cu. No contamination of Pb was detected. A steel mill was the most severe industrial pollutant source in the Linfen area of the Fenhe River. The results of principle component analysis and cluster analysis showed that pollution of Zn was influenced by waste water and releases of chimney from a steel mill and coal preparation plant B. Pollution of Mn was primarily influenced by waste water discharged by a steel mill,coal preparation plant B and a paper mill. Contamination of Mn and Zn was controlled by both human and natural factors, while the influence of human factors surpassed that of natural factors. Contamination of Cd was primarily controlled by human factors. The plants collected belonged to 11 species 10 genuses 8 families, the number of Compositae and Cruciferae accounted for 27.27% and 18.18% of the aggregate species, respectively. Erysimum cheiranthoides L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Rumex crispus L. Sp. Pl., Humulus scandens(Lour.)Merr., Amaranthus retroflexus L., and Cirsium setosum(willd.)MB. could accumulate Cu, Zn and Cd simultaneously, they could be applied to soil which had combination contamination of Cu, Zn and Cd.
出处 《山西农业科学》 2015年第10期1290-1296,共7页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 科技部科技基础性工作专项(2011FY110300) 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(20100012)
关键词 汾河 污染源 抗性植物 重金属来源 Fenhe River pollutant sources resistant plants origins of soil heavy metals
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