
端异氰酸酯基聚丁二烯/纳米二氧化硅弹性体的制备及其力学性能研究 被引量:2

Synthesis and mechanical properties of isocyanate block polybutadiene/nano silica elastomer
摘要 以自制的端异氰酸酯基聚丁二烯(ITPB)为基体,纳米二氧化硅(SiO_2)为固化剂,制备了ITPB型聚氨酯/纳米SiO_2弹性体。阐述了ITPB/SiO_2弹性体的制备机理,研究了溶剂的种类、SiO_2加入量和固化条件对ITPB/SiO_2弹性体力学性能的影响。结果表明,以环己酮为溶剂制备的ITPB/SiO_2弹性体力学性能最佳;随着SiO_2加入量的增加,弹性体的拉伸强度、断裂伸长率、断裂强度及硬度均有明显提高,SiO_2加入量为6%时,弹性体的断裂伸长率达到最大值220.14%,当SiO_2加入量为8%时,弹性体的拉伸强度达到最大值7.11 MPa;提高固化温度和延长固化时间,有助于提高ITPB/SiO_2弹性体的力学性能。 With homemade isocyanate block polybutadiene (ITPB) as the matrix and the nano silica as the curing agent, the ITPB/Nanosilica elastomer was prepared.This paper illustrated the preparation mechanism of ITPB/silica elastomer,and studied the effects of types of solvent, silica content and curing conditions on the mechanical properties of ITPB/silica elastomer.The results showed that the mechanical property of ITPB/silica elastomer were the best using cyclohexanone as the solvent; increasing silica amount, the tensile strength, elongation at break, fracture strength and hardness were of the ITPB/silica elastomer increased significantly; when the silica content was 6%, the elongation at break of ITPB/silica elastomer reached a maximum value of 220.14%; when the silica content was 8%, the tensile strength of ITPB/silica elastomer reached a maximum value of 7.11 MPa; increasing the curing temperature and curing time can improve the mechanical properties ofITPB/silica elastomer.
出处 《粘接》 CAS 2015年第10期60-63,共4页 Adhesion
关键词 SIO2 ITPB纳米 弹性体 力学性能 nano silica polybutadiene elastomer mechanical properties
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