

Autonomy and Solipsistic Objectification of Women:Feminist Critiques of Pornography from Multi-perspectives
摘要 两类对立的关于色情的观点和与之相关的其他论点是指自由主义和女性主义、女性主义之间的两种对峙,以及超越这些思索的扩展开的对自主性、唯我论的哲学观念在性别平等和市场化方面的实践和道德思考。对其检验分析可以从以下3个方面进行:一是自由主义的平等关心和平等尊重原则对色情政策的思索以及对女性主义的批评;二是女性主义内部关于已解放的妇女和性工作者的权利的论证和困惑;三是对个体的自主性和如何克服唯我论对妇女的客体化的进一步思索。女性主义关怀伦理学方法论对女性主义色情纠结中平等和正义的单一解释可能具有更合理的解决建议。女性主义应当扩大对色情暴力的分析,多吸收各阶层妇女不同的色情观点。建立在妇女经验基础上又超越个体的、以关怀关系为导向的道德观有助于促进对色情批评的合理辨析。 This article has three parts to explore feminist critiques of pornography and multi - perspectives a- round issues of sexual autonomy and solipsism and concerns beyond but related. It starts with some liberal thoughts about pornography and critiques of feminism under the principle of equal concern and respect; then, it moves to debates about the rights of liberated women and confusions over sex work between different feminist groups. The third part of it expands to arguments about autonomy and the solipsistic objectification of women. It concludes that the feminist ethics may put forward some more practical approaches to confusions over por- nography concerning justice and equality. Feminists need to expand their analysis of violent porn, combining different viewpoints of women in different contexts. Only if the ethics were based on women' s experience and transcends individual limits at the same time. could thi~ ~wt,~,. h,~ hMnf,,1 f,, ,4; ;~ ~t.
作者 苑莉均
出处 《山东女子学院学报》 2015年第5期1-8,共8页 Journal of Shandong Women's University
关键词 平等关心和平等尊重 自主 唯我论 妇女的客体化 equal concern and respect automony solipsism objectification of women
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