
基于硅模具的Zr基非晶合金微零件吸铸制备 被引量:1

Suction Casting of Zr-based Bulk Metallic Glass Micro-parts with Silicon Die
摘要 基于硅模具提出了一种吸铸成形Zr基非晶合金微零件的方法。采用真空氩弧熔化吸铸炉进行了非晶合金微零件吸铸成形实验,用红外热像仪测量了合金熔液温度,发现合金熔液在1116℃下能够完全复制宽3μm、深3μm的硅方形微槽结构且具有较好的表面形貌。随后分别采用带有多型腔和双层型腔的硅模具进行了吸铸成形实验,成功制备了模数为50μm的非晶合金微齿轮零件,微零件的硬度及弹性模量分别为6.49GPa和94.9GPa。实验结果表明,基于硅模具吸铸成形Zr基非晶合金是一种制备高精度、高表面质量、高性能微零件的有效方法。 Using the silicon die, a suction casting process for fabricating Zr-based bulk metallic glass(BMG) micro-part was developed. The suction casting experiments were carried out with a vacu- um arc melting furnace,and the temperatures of the molten alloy were measured by an infrared camera. It is found that under 1116℃ the molten alloy can completely duplicate the square silicon micro-grooves of 3 μmin width and 3μm depth with a good surface. Then silicon dies with multi-cavity and double-layer cavity were used in suction casting experiments,and BMG micro-gears of 50μm in modulus were fabricated successfully. The hardness and elastic modulus of the micro-parts are 6.49 GPa and 94.9 GPa. The results show that suction casting of Zr-based BMG with silicon die is a promising method for fabricating micro-parts with high precision,good surface and excellent mechanical property.
出处 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第20期2801-2805,共5页 China Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51175210 51175211)
关键词 非晶合金 吸铸 硅模具 微零件 bulk metallic glass suction casting silicon die micro-part
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