

A Social Network Spread Cost Model Based on User Influence
摘要 为了对社交网络传播代价进行评估,以微博为例,提出一种社交网络传播代价的评估方法。利用Page Rank算法和层次分析法计算微博用户影响力;采用贪心算法和全局算法,得出在所有用户都能看到消息的前提下所需发布的用户数量的排名,并对这两个算法进行比较。综合用户影响力和微博的发布用户数量排名建立社交网络传播代价模型。根据微博数据,对社交网络传播代价进行评估。 In order to assess the cost of the social network spread to blog, proposes a method to assess the cost of a social network communication.Based on Page Rank algorithm and analytic hierarchy process, calculates the user influence. Uses greedy algorithm and global algorithm,infers the users releasing quantity rank when all users can see it, and compares the two algorithms. Considering the user influence and the user releasing quantity rank, establishes a social network spread cost model, according to the blog data, assesses the cost of the social network spread.
作者 杨扬 王鸯雨
出处 《现代计算机(中旬刊)》 2015年第9期43-45,51,共4页 Modern Computer
关键词 PAGERANK算法 层次分析法 贪心算法 全局算法 社交网络传播代价模型 Page Rank Algorithm Analytic Hierarchy Process Greedy Algorithm Global Algorithm Social Network Spread Cost Model
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