
美国水质监测发展历程及其对中国的启示 被引量:17

Review on development of American water monitoring system and its implications for China
摘要 美国水质监测经历了一百多年的历史,其做法和经验长期处于国际领先地位。基于大量文献调研,从领导机构、监测项目、监测方法、质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)和监测范围等方面系统研究了美国水质监测发展从初级阶段—发展阶段—过渡阶段—发达阶段整个过程。结果表明:美国水质监测的领导机构实现了由协会主导向政府主导的更迭;监测项目完成了由常规项目向优先控制污染物的重点转移;分析测试手段由化学分析为主逐步发展到以仪器分析为主的新格局;QA/QC越来越得到重视;监测范围由局部区域向全美范围逐步拓宽。借鉴美国水质监测的先进经验,结合中国的客观实际,提出了未来中国水质监测的若干建议。 Water monitoring in America has a history of more than one hundred years,whose practice and expe riences take the leading position all the time around the world. It has experienced primary stage, developing stage, transitional stage,and developed stage. Based on the investigation of a large number of literatures, the leading agencies, monitoring items, analytical methods and monitoring regions in America were systematically reviewed. Results showed leading agencies of water monitoring system in America was charged by governments instead of associations. Monitoring items shifted from routine items to priority contaminants. Instrumental methods gradually replaced traditional chemical methods. QA/QC gained more and more attention. Regional monitoring expanded to all over America. Suggestions were proposed in accordance with the reality of China for water monitoring.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期86-91,97,共7页 Environmental Pollution & Control
基金 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项重大项目(No.201009032) 国家环境保护公益性行业科研专项(No.201209003)
关键词 美国 水体污染 水质监测 America water pollution water monitoring
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