
规则抑或美德:教师专业道德建构的理论路径与现实选择 被引量:28

Rule or Virtue:Theoretical Approaches and Practical Choice in the Construction of Teacher Professional Morality
摘要 教师专业道德基于对何谓道德上适切行动的理解,描述了教师在与学生、同事等群体互动时的专业行为方式和行为边界。规则取向的教师专业道德建构围绕"我应该如何行动",探寻教师正确行动的道德规则。美德取向的教师专业道德建构追问"我应该成为什么样的人",关注教师的道德品格和道德自我。美好的专业生活是规则和美德整合的基点,也是一元论的话语体系与多样化的专业实践之间的张力中教师专业道德建构的可能出路:把握教师生活的同一性,建构整合的道德身份;打破自我利益与自我牺牲的二元对立,关注教师专业道德建构的人文性与可持续性;发展教师对专业实践的道德承诺,彰显教师在专业道德建构中的主体性。 Based on the understanding of the appropriate behavior of morality,teacher professional morality has clarified the professional behavior patterns and the boundaries of professional practice when interacting with students,colleagues and other groups. The rule-based teachers’ professional morality aims to seek for the moral rule for the teacher to act properly,caring about "how should I act";while the morality-based teachers’ professional moral construction focuses on teachers’ moral personality and the ego of morality,caring about "what kind of person should I be". As the basic point of integrating the rule with the virtue approach,the good professional life is the possible way to construct teacher professional morality confronted with the tension between monistic discourse and diverse professional practice,which means to construct an integrated moral identity on the basis of teachers’ intact life,emphasize the humane and sustainable construction of teacher professional morality by breaking the binary oppositions between self-interest and self-sacrifice,develop teachers’ moral commitment to professional practice and highlight teachers’ subjectivity in the construction of professional morality.
作者 王夫艳
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期64-71,97,共9页 Educational Research
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学青年课题"教师专业道德及其建构的理论与实践研究"(课题批准号:CEA110116)的研究成果
关键词 教师专业道德 规则 美德 美好生活 teacher professional morality rule virtue good life
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