

Global monsoon numerical simulation of Eocene(40 Ma B.P.) based on coupled climate model
摘要 全球一半以上人口生活在季风区。为了研究温室气候时期全球季风气候的特征,利用耦合气候数值模式(Community Earth System Model),模拟了距今最近的温室气候时期——始新世(40 Ma B.P.)的全球季风气候特征。该模式全面考虑了大气、海洋、陆地、陆冰、海冰、植被等气候子系统的耦合作用,大气CO2含量设为工业革命前的4倍。模拟结果表明,在始新世时期,全球季风的范围、强度与现今大体相当,但是区域上,各季风区的特征与现今有明显差异。 More than half of the population lives in the monsoons areas.In order to investigate the characteristics of the global monsoon under the condition of greenhouse climate,a state-of-art climate model,CESM (Community Earth System Model)is used to simulate the global monsoon of the Eocene epoch,which is the latest greenhouse climate epoch.In that model,the coupling of the atmosphere,ocean,vegetation,land and sea ice is considered,and the atmospheric CO2 concentration is set as 4 times the value before the industrial revolution.The simulation results show that the extent and intensity of the Eocene (40 Ma B.P.)global monsoon is similar to that of the modern monsoon, while the regional monsoons show different characteristics.
出处 《成都理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期589-595,共7页 Journal of Chengdu University of Technology: Science & Technology Edition
基金 国家973项目(2012CB822000) 生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室开放基金项目(GBL21313)
关键词 始新世 温室气候 耦合气候模式 耦合气候数值模式(CESM) Eocene greenhouse climate coupled climate model CESM
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