
并行矩量法分析波导缝隙天线的辐射特性 被引量:3

Analysis of the radiation of slotted waveguide antennas using the parallel MoM
摘要 采用并行矩量法对工程中遇到的Ka波段波导缝隙天线进行仿真计算.矩量法中难以实现端口匹配,导致其难以有效地处理行波天线问题.为了有效地解决这一难题,采用等效原理和模式匹配法在端口面上构造出波端口模型,并进一步将波导与波端口分离构造出区域分解模型,将波导与波端口的互作用等效为两个区域的外加激励,从而使用迭代方法对此类问题进行求解.同时,并行计算技术的引入大大提高了矩量法求解电大尺寸问题的能力.数值仿真结果与实测结果的对比表明,波端口模型的使用可以有效地解决波导缝隙天线这一类电磁仿真难题. This paper numerically analyzes the Ka band slotted waveguide antennas which are involved in engineering using parallel method of moments(MoM).For lack of the match terminator,it is difficult for the MoM to simulate the traveling wave antenna.To deal with this problem,the equivalent principle on the wave ports and the mode match methods are used to construct the model of wave ports. As an improvement,the waveguide and the wave ports are divided into different domains.The affections between the two domains are assumed as the external excitations of each domain.Then,the iteration method can be used to solve the equation.At the same time,the introduction of the parallel calculation technique can improve the ability of the MoM to analyze the electrically large targets.The agreement of the measurement result and numerical result proves that the model of wave ports proposed in this paper can help to solve the problem of the simulation of slotted waveguide antenna validly.
出处 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期75-79,132,共6页 Journal of Xidian University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2012AA01A308) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61301069,61072019) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助项目(NCET-13-0949) 陕西省青年科技新星资助项目(2013KJXX-67) 中央高校基本科研业务费重点资助项目(JY10000902002)
关键词 矩量法 并行算法 波导缝隙天线 波端口 method of moments(MoM) parallel algorithm slotted waveguide antenna wave port
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