
基于馆员认可度的图书馆知识转移影响要素研究 被引量:1

Study on Influencing Factors of Library Knowledge Transfer Based on Librarians' Recognition
摘要 [目的/意义]针对国内图书馆知识转移研究多基于局地图书馆展开的问题,对多个不同类型、不同地区的图书馆的馆员进行调查研究,为图书馆更好地开展知识转移活动,提高知识转移效果提供参考。[方法 /过程]基于文献回顾形成问卷,调查我国13所图书馆的各类馆员,通过因子分析,得到6个图书馆知识转移因子,运用Excel绘制各因子所有变量的系数(权重)和馆员认可度(变量得分均值)的四象限图,通过对比分析,得出处于不同象限的变量对图书馆知识转移活动的影响。[结果 /结论]提出为了提高图书馆知识转移的效果,图书馆应该不断强化高层管理人员的认识,提高图书馆的社会地位,不断提高自身的知识存量,加强馆员和用户的双向教育,重视并强化网络平台建设,积极开发用户需求,鼓励馆员参与图书馆管理制度的制定,并基于相似的知识转移任务建立有效的知识转移模式。对知识转移活动的认识。 [ Purpose/significance] Most researches on library knowledge transfer are carried out based on the local library in china. This paper investigates librarians from different kinds of libraries in different areas, and puts forward some proposals to promote libraries provide better knowledge transfer service and improve the effect of knowledge transfer. [ Method/process ] It designs questionnaire based on literature review, and investigates different types of librarians from 13 different libraries. Then it gets 6 factors of library knowledge transfer through factor analysis, maps a four quadrant dia- gram about the coefficient of each factor of all variables (weights) and the recognition of librarians (average variable score) with EXCEL. Finally it concludes the influence of every variable in different quadrant to library' s knowledge trans- fer activities by comparative analysis. [ Result/conclusion ] It suggests that, in order to improve the effect of library knowl- edge transfer, library should continuously strengthen the understanding of the senior management personnel and improve the library status, increase its own stock of knowledge and strengthen the education to librarians and users, attach great importance to the network platform construction and strengthen it, develop the user requirements positively, encourage li- brarians to participate in the development of library management system, and establish effective knowledge transfer model based on the similar tasks.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第16期18-24,31,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"面向供应链增值的企业竞争情报运作模式和实施策略研究"(项目编号:14BTQ027)研究成果之一
关键词 馆员认可度 图书馆 知识转移 影响因素 librarians' recognition library knowledge transfer influencing factor
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