
天津承接服务外包的路径选择分析 被引量:1

Path Selection of Tianjin Undertake Service Outsourcing
摘要 随着经济全球化速度的加快和新一轮全球产业转移的到来,以服务业外包和高科技、高附加值的高端制造及研发环节转移为主要特征的产业结构正在兴起。文章分析了天津服务外包的现状与存在的问题,通过运用SWOT分析法对天津承接服务外包环境分析,建议政府方面放宽政策限制、明确产业优势、加强服务外包人才培养;行业层面组建行业协会,促进外资引入;企业方面自主创新、重视知识产权保护、选择合适的商业运作模式。通过三方共同努力,使天津服务外包业更好地发展。 With the acceleration of economic globalization and a new round of global industrial transfer arrival, industrial structure based on service outsourcing and high-tech, high value-added manufacturing and R&D activities for the transfer is on the rise. This paper analyzes the present situation of Tianjin Service Outsourcing and existing problems. By using the SWOT analysis method to analyze Tianjin service outsourcing environment, the authors suggests the government relax the policy limit, clear industrial advantages and strengthen the service outsourcing talents training; establish industry association and promote foreign capital introduction; enterprise must think highly of innovation, pay attention to the protection of intellectual property, and select the appropriate business model. Through three parties' joint efforts, so as for the service outsourcing industry better development.
作者 陈肖 刘浩
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2015年第9期136-139,共4页 Reformation & Strategy
基金 2014年度河北省社会科学基金项目"河北承接京津服务外包产业转移的研究"(项目编号:HB14YJ011)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 服务外包 SWOT分析 路径选择 service outsourcing SWOT analysis path selection
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