
云计算在PACS区域医疗中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Cloud Computing in Regional Medical Treatment of PACS
摘要 随着医疗改革的不断推进,区域医疗信息化建设逐渐成为医疗行业发展的重中之重。医学影像存档与通讯系统(PACS)由于数据量巨大很难实现统一存储调阅,影像数据在互联网上传、下载,并且既浪费时间又无法保证数据安全。云计算技术使用户可以动态地从云中获取软硬件资源,所有数据、计算均在云端展示,是未来信息化技术的发展趋势。笔者主要介绍云计算与PACS区域医疗结合的一种实现方法,同时论述云计算在区域医疗中的各种优势。 With the constant advance of medical reform,the informatization establishment of regional medical treatment has been the top priority in the development of medical industry. Because of the huge data in PACS system,it is difficult to make unified storing and selected reading. And the online upload and dow nload of image data wastes too much time. What’s more,there is no guarantee of data safety. Cloud computing can make the users obtain softw are and hardw are resources in the form of dynamic with all the data and computing show n in the air. This is the future development of informatization technique. The authors mainly introduce the realization of cloud computing combined with regional medical treatment of PACS and expound all the advantages of cloud computing in regional medical treatment.
出处 《现代医院管理》 2015年第5期12-14,共3页 Modern Hospital Management
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题"数字化医疗关键技术集成与应用示范"(2012AA03A612)
关键词 云计算 PACS区域医疗 医院集团 医院信息化平台 cloud computing regional medical treatment of PACS hospital group hospital informatization platform
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