
二氧化氯消毒中水实验研究 被引量:2

Study on reclaimed water disinfection with chlorine dioxide
摘要 研究了二氧化氯消毒中水COD与二氧化氯最小投加量的定量关系及确保二氧化氯持续消毒能力的剩余剂量. 结果表明:在室温,COD为15~50 mg/L,浊度为1.00~6.37 NTU,大肠菌群数〈106数量级的条件下,中水COD与二氧化氯最小投加量定量关系满足一元线性方程.为保证二氧化氯的持续消毒能力,消毒30 min水样的剩余二氧化氯质量浓度不能低于0.10 mg/L.二氧化氯浓度随时间的衰减规律符合一级反应动力学模型,且随二氧化氯浓度的减小,其衰减速率逐渐减小. The quantitative relationship between COD of chlorine dioxide used for disinfecting reclaimed water ,and chlorine dioxide minimum dosage,and the residual dosage of ensuring continuous disinfecting capacity of chlorine dioxide have been studied. The results show that under the following conditions:at room temperature,COD is 15-50 mg/L,turbidity 1.00-6.37 NTU,the numbers of colon bacillus〈106,the quantitative relationship between reclaimed water COD and the minimum dosage of chlorine dioxide meets the unary linear equation. To ensure the continuous disinfecting capacity of chlorine dioxide,the mass concentration of the residual chlorine dioxide of the water sample which has been disinfected for 30 min,should not be lower than 0.10 mg/L. The rule that chlorine dioxide concentra-tion attenuates with time complies with the first level of reaction kinetics model. Furthermore ,with the decrease of chlorine dioxide concentration,its attenuation rate decreases gradually.
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期42-45,共4页 Industrial Water Treatment
基金 唐山市重点实验室项目(09150202A-2) 唐山学院科研立项项目(15001B)
关键词 二氧化氯 中水 消毒 COD chlorine dioxide reclaimed water disinfection COD
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