为科学评估北疆棉区重点县沙湾县土地整理的实施效果,进而有效了解其土地整理实施的成效,利用对其农户进行调查获得的数据,从增产效益、增地效益和经济效益三方面对其2010—2014年土地整理效益进行测算。结论:5年规划期的土地整理实施后,研究区新增耕地单位面积年增产5.48t,有效面积年增产49275t,规划期末累计增产98 550t,整理完成时累计增产246 375t。新增耕地的单位面积净增产值1.75万元/hm2,有效面积年净增产值1 5761.25万元,规划期末有效面积累计净增产值31 522.50万元,整理完成时累计净增产值78 806.25万元。原有耕地的单位面积年净增产值0.51万元/hm2,有效面积年增产值243 180万元,规划期末累计净增产值1 215 900万元。在增收与增产两方面,土地整理均大幅促进了棉花种植效益的提升。
The benefit of land consolidation in Shawan County during 2010-2014 was calculated from three respects of increasing output benefit,increasing land benefit and economic benefit based on the data from 143 farmer households to scientifically evaluate the implementation effect of land consolidation in Shawan County,a key cotton cultivation county in Northern Xinjiang and effectively know the efficiency of implementing land consolidation in Shawan County.Results:The unit area annual increase production,effective area annual increase production,accumulation increase production in 2014 and accumulation increase production in 2014 of newly increased cultivated land is 5.48 t,49 275 t,98 660 tand 248 375 t respectively.The unit area net increased productive value,effective area net annual increased productive value,effective area net accumulation increased productive value in 2014 and accumulation net increased productive value of newly increased land is 17.5thousand Yuan/hm2,157.612 5millions Yuan,315.2250 millions Yuan and 788.062 5millions Yuan separately.The unit area net annual increase productive value,effective area annual increase productive value and net accumulation increase productive value in 2014 of the original cultivated land is 5.1thousand Yuan/hm2,2 431.80 millions Yuan and 12 159.00 millions Yuan.Land consolidation enhances cultivation benefit of cotton in increase income and increase production by a large margin.
Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
cotton region
land consolidation
benefit evaluation
Northern Xinjiang