
构造介质对采煤沉陷影响的数值模拟分析 被引量:1

Analysis of medium hardness on mining subsidence based on numerical simulation
摘要 本文采用数值模拟试验,针对不同构造介质条件下,地下采空对上覆岩层的损坏程度进行模拟研究。试验结果表明,介质越坚硬,地下开采对地表损害的程度就越小,煤柱所受的压应力就越大,采空区直长边所受的拉应力越大;介质越软弱,地下开采对地表损害的程度就越大,煤柱所受的压应力就越小,采空区直长边所受的拉应力越小。此结论对于采煤沉陷的预测及矿山地质灾害的防治,将具有一定的理论价值和指导意义。 This paper applies numerical simulation test,According to the different tectonic conditions,the extent of damage of underground space of overlying strata simulation research. The test results show that the structure of medium,the more hard,degree of underground mining on the surface damage of more small coal pillar,the compressive stress of mined out area is greater,the long side of the tensile stress is larger; the more weak structural medium,degree of underground mining on the surface damage is bigger,the coal pillar the compressive stress of mined out area is smaller,the long side of the tensile stress is small. This conclusion has a certain theoretical guidance meaning for the prevention and control of coal mining subsidence in the occurrence and development regularity and mine geological disasters.
出处 《中国地质灾害与防治学报》 CSCD 2015年第3期91-94,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Geological Hazard and Control
基金 基于构造控灾机理的采煤沉陷预警基础研究(41272388)
关键词 构造介质 采煤沉陷 数值模拟 应力应变 structural medium mining subsidence numerical simulation stress and strain
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