
刘氏小儿推拿调治哮喘缓解期机理及验案举隅 被引量:6

The Mechanism and Medical Case of Liu's Infantile Massage in Treatment of Stable Asthmatics
摘要 哮喘的发病原因与机制非常复杂,其防治关键在于缓解期的调护。刘氏小儿推拿主要以五行生克制化之理论和藏象学说为基础,并结合小儿五脏的生理特性和病理特点,在治疗哮喘缓解期时以补益脾肺、固肾纳气为基本原则,其操作简便,疗效显著。本文就小儿哮喘缓解期案例,依中医学理论阐述刘氏小儿推拿调治哮喘缓解期的特点。 The etiology and mechanism of asthma is very complex, the care of stable asthmatic is the key of the prevention and treatment of asthma. Liu's infantile massage mainly interpromotion and interrestraint of the five elements as the foundation, and combining the physiological features and pathological characteristics of children five zang-organs, regard tonifying the spleen and the lung, astringing kidney and invigorating qi as the basic principle during the treatment of stable asthmatic. Its operation is simple and convenient, but the effect is remarkable, and it's very popular in the majority of children and parents. Under the guidance of the Chinese Medicine, this article demonstrates the treatment for the chronic asthmatic children by Liu's infantile massage.
出处 《中医药导报》 2015年第20期70-72,共3页 Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家中医药管理局"湖湘五经配伍针推学术流派"传承工作室建设项目资助(LP0118041) 湖南省中医药管理局重点科研项目资助(201421) 湖南省中医药管理局科研项目资助(2013103)
关键词 刘氏小儿推拿 哮喘缓解期 五经推治 医案 Liu's Infantile Massage Stable Asthmatics The Massage of Five Meridian Medical Case
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