
大连市人群对多环芳烃的暴露及健康风险评价 被引量:8

On the exposure of the general public to PAHs in Dalian City and its health risk assessment
摘要 近年来大连市多环芳烃污染日益严重。为研究大连市多环芳烃类有机污染物对居民产生的潜在健康危害,结合大连地区人群状况,采用多介质-多途径暴露模型,评价大连市居民暴露于多环芳烃的暴露量及由此导致的健康风险,分析不同环境介质、暴露介质及暴露途径的风险贡献率,并结合蒙特卡罗方法分析研究过程中的不确定性。在实际评价时,根据大连市的实际情况,选用了部分美国环保局推荐的参数,剩余的评价参数根据国内的相关文献进行了修正。结果表明,大连市居民中男性和女性对环境中多环芳烃的日平均暴露量分别为2.59×10-4mg/(kg·d)和2.79×10-4mg/(kg·d)。主要暴露途径是膳食暴露,此外呼吸暴露也占有一定的比重,皮肤暴露作用很小。膳食暴露中对总暴露贡献最大的食品是谷物和蔬菜。相应的男性和女性的健康风险度分别为2.68×10-5a-1和2.90×10-5a-1,大连市多环芳烃类污染物居民人体健康风险度高于可接受健康风险度标准。大连市女性对多环芳烃的暴露量高于男性,女性健康风险平均值亦高于EPA标准值。大连市多环芳烃人群暴露与天津、北京和兰州相比存在一定的差异。各项参数中,粮食、蔬菜摄食量和相应的多环芳烃(PAHs)残留浓度是影响暴露的重要因素。通过蒙特卡罗模拟得到各年龄段人群对多环芳烃(PAHS)的日均暴露量的分布特征,各输出变量均服从对数正态分布。 The given paper is to report the exposure of the general public of Dalian to the pollution of PAHs( short for the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and its health risk assessment. As is well known,in recent years,PAHs has become one of the most important pollution sources for Dalian City with the general pollution situation turning to be more and more serious. In this paper,we would like to present the results of our investigation and analysis of the risk contribution rates of the different environmental media by using the Monte Carlo method. We have also adopted the multiple media and multiple exposure pathway models to evaluate PAHs exposure doses and the health risk of the residents in Dalian City,in addition to the study of the potential health risks likely to be brought about by the organic pollutants of PAHs on the residents in the City,we have also used some assessment parameters recommended by US EPA based on the real conditions of the City,in which some other parameters have also been modified in accordance with the related domestic literatures. The results of our analysis over the data and information collected have shown that the average lifelong exposure dosage of male and female Dalian residents account for 2. 59 × 10- 4mg /( kg·d) and 2. 79× 10- 4mg /( kg·d),respectively,among which,the dietary intake should be taken as the major route of exposure to human beings. What is more,respiratory exposure also serves as a main source of pollution to some extent,though the effect of skin exposure doesn't seem to be conspicuous. Among the dietary exposure,grains and vegetables have been found as the chief contributor. The corresponding male and female health risks account for2. 68 × 10- 5a- 1and 2. 90 × 10- 5a- 1,respectively,which indicates that the health risk of PAHs for the local citizens is above the standard of acceptable health risk level. The exposure of PAHs to women in Dalian proves higher than that to men,with the average value of women's health risk being higher than that of EPA standard value. Besides,there also exists some difference among the urban citizens exposed to PAHs in Dalian as compared to Tianjin,Beijing and Lanzhou. In various parameters,the grain and vegetable intake,and the corresponding residual concentrations of PAHs constitute most that may affect the sufferers. Besides,we have also worked out the distribution features of average daily PAHs exposure to all age groups through the Monte Carlo simulation,and the output variables all follow the logarithmic normal distribution.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期330-334,共5页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41201536) 2013年度兰州大学"中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金"重大需求培育项目(lzujbky-2013-m03)
关键词 环境工程学 健康风险评价 大连市 多环芳烃 environmental engineering health risk assessment Dalian City PAHs
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