
从远景到愿景:空间战略规划的复兴与编制内容方法分析 被引量:1

From the Blueprint to the Vision: The Revival of Strategic Spatial Plan, Its Contents and Formulation
摘要 空间战略规划是一个被广泛讨论的议题,相关探讨往往集中于具体的编制方法及相关实践。本文在文献综述的基础上,精选了欧洲、美洲、亚洲等地区有代表性的案例,用文本分析的方法对其发展范式进行总结,试图回答空间战略规划复兴的背景和本质及其编制方法的范式特征。研究结果表明,空间发展战略出现的背景是社会及社会治理模式的转型,其编制经历了自上而下的控制性规划、支持增长的投资引导规划到以最大化公众参与编制的公众意愿促成型规划等一系列发展阶段。 Strategic spatial plan is a widely discussed topic. Recent researches mainly focus on the introduction of its formulation method and practices. The key questions this paper tries to answer are as following: What is the key reason of the revitalization of strategic spatial plans? What is the nature of strategic spatial plan? What paradigms those plans may have followed? In order to answer these questions, the paper draws on existing researches to analyze some representative cases in Europe, North America and Asia. The key analytical method is text analysis. It is concluded that strategic spatial plans have experienced an evolving process from the top-down zoning strategy, investment-led plan, to common vision supported by wide scale public participation.
作者 林丹 罗彦
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期31-40,共10页 Urban Planning International
基金 国家社科基金青年项目<生态保护红线政策背景下的区域治理研究>(14CGL052)
关键词 空间战略规划 地方治理 编制内容 编制方法 成果体系 Strategic Spatial Plan Local Governance Contents of Plan Techniques of Formulating Documents
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