目的:观察肾石通颗粒配合输尿管硬镜钬激光碎石加ESWL治疗肾盂结石的疗效。方法:选自2012年4月—2015年4月我院收治的64例肾盂结石患者(结石直径〉1.5 cm而≤2.5 cm),将这64例患者随机分为两组,每组32例.观察组患者给予肾石通颗粒配合输尿管硬镜钬激光碎石加ESWL进行治疗,对照组患者给予输尿管硬镜钬激光碎石加ESWL进行治疗。结果:44例一期用硬镜碎石成功,一次性碎石率为68.75%;20例术后给予体外震波碎石治疗治疗后成功,无输尿管穿孔、脓肾等严重并发症发生。术后留置输尿管支架4~6周。术后3个月拍片复查,观察组结石排净比例81.25%,对照组71.88%。结论:输尿管硬镜钬激光碎石联合ESWL治疗肾盂结石(结石直径〉1.5 cm而≤2.5 cm),是安全、有效的,同时具有创伤小、并发症少、费用少等优点,条件合适的患者值得使用。术后服用肾石通颗粒能有效提高患者排石速度,从而缩短疗程,降低费用。
Objective:Observing Shenshitong Granule with hard ureter mirror holmium laser lithotripsy and ESWL treatment the curative effect of pelvic stones. Methods:Between April 2012 and April 2015,using the hard ureter mirror holmium laser lithotripsy combined ESWL treatment of pelvic stones in 64 cases,40 cases of women,24 cases of men(Stone diameter between 1.5 cm to 2.5 cm). Observation group of 32 cases to start taking Shenshitong Granule after the operation. Results:Application of hard ureter mirror holmium laser surgery one-time treatment success in 44 cases;20 cases of postoperative cooperate after ESWL treatment success,no ureteral perforation,renal abscess and other serious complications occurred. Operation time 21~54 minutes,an average of 42 minutes. Postoperative hospital stay of 5 to 7 days,6 days on average. Indwelling ureteral stent 4 to 6 weeks. Conclusion:Hard ureter mirror holmium laser lithotripsy combined with ESWL and Shenshitong Granule treatment for renal pelvic stones(Stone diameter between 1.5cm to 2.5 cm). Safe,effective,minimally invasive,less complication,lower cost,meet the appropriate conditions of patients is worth using. Patients after surgery,renal Shenshitong Granule can effectively improve the platoon stone treatment speed,so as to shorten the period of treatment,reduce the cost.
Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine