简单回顾了IEC/TC 77电磁兼容对电能质量标准化的贡献,介绍了IEC/TC8工作范围由"电压、电流等级和频率标准化"扩大到"电能供应系统领域"后所发布的标准化出版物,以及和电能质量相关的IEC其他几个标委会。特别详细介绍了最近新发布的IEC TS 62749,并和现行的相关国标作了对比和简要评述。
The contribution of IEC/TC 77 electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) for power quality standardization is reviewed briefly.Some publications of standardization after the working range of IEC/TC8 were extended from "the standardization of voltage,current and frequency" to include "supply system supply"are introduced,as well as some IEC technical committees related to power quality.Especially,the newly published IEC TS 62749 are introduced in detail,and compared with current national standards of power quality are made and reviewed briefly.
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