引言 城市公共设施候车亭不仅满足人们出行乘车的需求,从深层意义上来讲,它还是展示城市形象的窗口和平台,体现了城市文明进程。优秀的公交站候车亭设计应该以人为本,充分考虑人的生理和心理需求,在实现其基本功能的基础上,尽量做到考虑到多方面,满足更多人的需求。所以,安全、方便、舒适、美观是人性化公共设施设计的目标。本文结合西安城区候车亭现状,分析问题,提出概念设计要素。
City bus shelters project an image of a city, reflecting the degree of civilization of a city. This paper uses a questionnaire, a field survey, and related research methods to thoroughly research the current status of bus shelters in urban areas of Xi'an and proposes an excellent method of design to improve Xian's bus shelters. It incorporates design, functionality, humanization, and traditional cultural characteristics of the city.
Package & Design