
吸气式空天飞行器飞行控制方法探析 被引量:1

General Analysis on Flight Control Method of Air-breathing Aerospace Plane
摘要 针对"吸气式空天飞行器(气动/动力/结构)强耦合特性引起的不确定非线性控制"问题,首先,分析了引起吸气式空天飞行器强耦合特性的原因及其对飞行控制的不利影响;然后,剖析了可用于吸气式空天飞行器控制的四种典型理论方法;之后,针对吸气式空天飞行器模型的非线性和不确定性,探索了基于高阶滑模和鲁棒自适应两种理论的飞行控制方法,给出了具体的控制器设计思想;最后,评价了两种控制方法应用于吸气式空天飞行器的优势和局限性。 It is our objective to research the nonlinear control dififcult problem of the air-breathing aerospace plane with strong coupling between aerodynamics, propulsion, and structure. First, the analysis was done to understand the reason of resulting in those strong coupling and the dififculty of lfight control. Second, it was analyzed how several advanced control theory methods were applied to the air-breathing aerospace plane. Third, the method of designing two controllers based respectively on high-order sliding mode and robust-adaptive was explored for the air-breathing aerospace plane, and the primary idea of two controllers was embodied. Finally, the potential of two controllers was evaluated.
出处 《航空科学技术》 2015年第10期73-78,共6页 Aeronautical Science & Technology
基金 航空科学基金(2012ZA01005)~~
关键词 吸气式空天飞行器 高超声速 飞行控制 高阶滑模 鲁棒自适应 air-breathing aerospace plane hypersonic lfight control high-order sliding mode robust adaptive
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