
《我国大学生学习投入度调查问卷》设计与检验——基于“国家大学生学习情况调查”数据分析 被引量:18

The Research on the Development of The College Student Engagement Questionnaire——Based on the Data Analysis of " National College Students' Learning Situation Investigation"
摘要 学习投入度调查是评价大学生学业成就的有效方法。《我国大学生学习投入度调查问卷》从行为、认知和情感这三个维度来编制。通过使用大规模调查数据对问卷进行信度和效度检验发现:调查问卷由"行为投入度"、"认知投入度"和"情感投入度"等三个因子构成;调查问卷的开发建立在扎实的理论基础之上,兼具国际化特征和本地化特色;问卷中"三因子模型"具有较好的信效度,为日后开展相关研究提供了科学的本土化研究工具。 College student engagement means that students study with behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement during their four years in the college. The College Student Engagement Questionnaire is divided into three dimensions based on this conception. The research result shows the questionnaire has three factors. These factors are the behavioral engagement, the cognitive engagement and the emotional engagement. The result also shows the validity and reliability of the questionnaire are good, and the questionnaire is a local tool to measure the college student engagement in China.
作者 汪雅霜
出处 《河北科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期101-106,共6页 Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2014年教育部青年课题(EIA140398)
关键词 大学生 学习投入度 问卷开发 信效度检验 学情调查 college student student engagement questionnaire development validity and reliability test student survey
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