

摘要 赛珍珠在抗日战争期间,远在大洋彼岸,用多种方式支持中国人民的抗战,适逢抗日战争胜利70周年,镇江市以"赛珍珠与抗日战争"为主题的学术研讨和历史纪念活动,云集众多中外赛珍珠研究专家,将赛珍珠的人生经历和著作与抗战历史相结合,立足不同视角予以阐述,以独特的方式纪念这位中国人民的好朋友。中国社会科学院文学研究所所长陆建德教授认为,从古至今,中国知识分子就非常反对"他者"对自己评头论足,而且始终以社会认同,即"待遇"来证明自身价值,而不具有西方知识分子传统中的"社会服务"意识。我们应该冷静看待赛珍珠对中国知识分子的评价,看到评价中的合理性,同时思考她所提倡的知识分子走向基层的时代需求与国情的必然性。中国人民大学外国语学院郭英剑教授聚焦在赛珍珠与中国人民抗日战争的关系上,试图重新认识赛珍珠之于中国的意义和价值。在强调赛珍珠创作语境的前提下,从赛珍珠积极为中国抗击日本侵略者而疾呼,为遭受国难的中国人民而募捐,为再现中国人民英勇抗战而写作这三个方面,简要论述了赛珍珠对于中国人民抗日战争所做出的巨大贡献。南京师范大学外国语学院姚君伟教授认为,赛珍珠于20世纪三四十年代以多种方式关注和声援中国的抗日战争。研究赛珍珠的中国抗战叙事作品,首先,有必要将它们置于其整个中国题材序列展开;其次,宜将她的这些叙事放入她所理解并呈现的中华文明的价值体系里进行研究;再次,更需将她的这一叙事作为整个世界反法西斯叙事的一部分来进行重新评价。 During the Anti-Japanese War,Pearl S.Buck stayed in the United States,but she supported the Chinese in a number of ways.To commemorate the 70 th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War,Zhenjiang Pearl S.Buck Association hosted a symposium on 'Pearl S.Buck and the Anti-Japanese War'and invited scholars from China and abroad to approach Mrs.Buck's personal life and works and the history of Chinese people's opposition to Japanese invasion so as to commemorate this friend of Chinese people.Professor Lu Jiande,director of the Institute of Literature of The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,argued that traditionally Chinese intellectuals strongly resented others'remarking of them and took social recognition,viz.'their treatment',as a proof of their own values;they lacked the'serving the society'consciousness in the western intellectual tradition.So we should stay cool to read Mrs.Buck's comments on Chinese intellectuals and see the justification in these comments and think over the need of time and the necessity of China's reality in her calling for intellectuals to mingle themselves with the ordinary people.Professor Guo Yingjian from Renmin University of China focused on the relationship between Pearl S.Buck and China's Anti-Japanese War,trying to reveal Mrs.Buck's new meaning and value to China.On the premise of stressing her writing in the then context,he recounted briefly Mrs.Buck's contribution to China's Anti-Japanese War from three aspects:speaking out against Japanese invasion,organizing donations for Chinese,and writing about Chinese people's bravery in opposing Japanese.Professor Yao Junwei from Nanjing Normal University argued that in the 1930 sand 40s,Pearl S.Buck was concerned about the Chinese Anti-Japanese War and supported it in various ways,including her literary production.He thought that it is advisable for us today to incorporate them in her works of the Chinese subject matter,to put them in the context of the core values of Chinese civilization,and to reappraise them as an indispensable part of the anti-fascist writings of the whole world so as to do them more justice.
出处 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期1-3,共3页 Journal of Jiangsu University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 赛珍珠 抗日战争 知识分子 代言人 文明使者 文学战士 研究对象 研究思路 Pearl S.Buck the Anti-Japanese War intellectuals spokesperson envoy of civilization literary warrior topic approach
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