

Briefly on Food and Drug during Colonial Period in North America
摘要 食品医药与每个家庭及个人的日常生活息息相关。北美殖民地时期的食品医药,既融合了原先土著印第安人的风俗习惯,又反映了白人移民为适应新环境而做的艰辛努力,一定程度上折射出印第安人与白人在文化上的互相影响,体现了北美文化"大熔炉"的特点。此外,北美各殖民地为保障本地对外贸易而颁布食品法则,是当时殖民地内部经济结构和产业布局的必然要求。这些法律的出台有力保障了食品交易的公平运转,切实维护了消费者权益。 Food and drug are closely related to the daily life of each family and individual. During the colonial period in North America,food and drug not only combined the original customs of the native Americans,but also reflected the white settlers' hard work in adapting themselves to the new environment,which to some extent mirrored the mutual influence and absorption their cultures,and the " melting pot" features of North American cultures. In addition,the fact that the colonial governments in North America enacted food law to protect the local foreign trade is a necessary requirement of internal economic structure and industrial layout of colonies; these introduced laws also effectively guaranteed the fair operation of the food trade,and safeguarded the interests of consumers earnestly.
作者 吴强
出处 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2015年第10期98-101,共4页 Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi
关键词 北美殖民地 食品 医药 对外贸易 食品法 colonies in North America food drug foreign trade food law
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