

The Effect of Hidden Industry Barrier on Dividend Empirical Evidence of Private Listed Companies in A-share Market
摘要 自“非公经济36条”及新“36条”颁布后,隐性行业壁垒逐渐成为民营企业经营发展的最主要的行业障碍。本文通过对2003-2013年间A股民营上市公司的行业壁垒水平及其分配行为的研究发现,隐性行业壁垒不仅造成民营上市公司在行业间分布的不平衡,使其主要处于国内产业价值链的低端,而且隐性行业壁垒水平的高低与民营上市公司的股利分配意愿、派现意愿及派现水平呈显著负相关关系。本文的研究对于深化和落实新“36条”、改善资本市场的分配现状均有一定的参考价值。 Since the enactment of thirty-six items of non-public economy and the New "36 Items", hidden trade barriers gradually have become the main obstacle to private sector economy. Based on study of the distribution behavior and trade barriers of private listed companies in the A-share market during 2003 to 2013, this paper finds that hidden trade barriers not only make the private enterprises mainly located in the low end of the domestic industry value chain, cause an imbalance distribution within industry, but have a significant negative effect on the will of dividend distribution and the level of cash dividends payment of private enterprises. Conclusions of this paper may be useful for the deepening and implementation of the New "36 Items "and for improving efficiency of the capital market allocation.
作者 郑蓉 干胜道
出处 《证券市场导报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期49-54,72,共7页 Securities Market Herald
基金 国家社会科学基金"上市公司员工收入与资本回报财务公平测度研究"(13BJY015) 四川省教育厅重点项目"上市公司财务松弛度调控与分红监管制度改进的契合研究"(14SA0059) 四川省社科重点基地重点项目:"财务松驰 股利决策与公司业绩-基于白酒业上市公司的实证研究"(CJZ14-03) 西华大学重点项目:"A股市场的分红监管制度的改进研究"(ZW1421535)
关键词 隐性行业壁垒 股利分配 新“36条” hidden trade barriers, dividends distribution, the new "36 items"
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