
Fe^(3+)存在下制浆中段废水好氧活性污泥的驯化 被引量:5

Domestication of Aerobic Activated Sludge Using for Washing / Bleaching Effluent Treatment in the Presence of Fe^(3+)
摘要 研究了Fe3+存在下处理制浆中段废水的好氧活性污泥的驯化过程。首先通过Fe3+对微生物生长曲线的影响确定Fe3+最佳用量为30 mg/L;然后在Fe3+用量为30 mg/L下,采用制浆中段废水对好氧活性污泥进行驯化,并设置不加Fe3+的空白组对照。结果表明,整个驯化过程中,加Fe3+组CODCr去除率和污染物去除率(以UV-254减少率表示)均高于空白组;驯化结束后,加Fe3+组和空白组CODCr去除率分别达78.2%和76.0%,污染物去除率分别为50.0%和37.7%。通过对脱氢酶活性的分析表明,加Fe3+组活性高于空白组。 Domestication of aerobic activated sludge using for washing / bleaching effluent in the presence of Fe3 +was studied. Firstly,the optimal dosage of Fe3+ was determined as 30 mg / L by the experiment of effect of Fe3+ on microbial growth curve. Then,the aerobic activated sludge in the reactor was domesticated by washing / bleaching effluent with Fe3+ dosage of 30 mg / L,another reactor without Fe3+ was as control. In the entire process of domestication,COD and UV-254 removal efficiencies of the effluent with iron ion were higher than that of the control sample,and COD removal efficiencies of the two effluents were 78. 2% and 76. 0%,UV-254 removal efficiencies were 50. 0% and 37. 7% respectively at the end of domestication. The analysis of the dehydrogenase activity in the reactor with iron ions was higher than that of the control reactor.
出处 《中国造纸》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第10期8-12,共5页 China Pulp & Paper
基金 江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室开放基金资助(201314) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201410426-049) 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2013B090900001)
关键词 FE3+ 制浆中段废水 好氧活性污泥 驯化 Fe3+ washing/bleaching effluent aerobic activated sludge domestication
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