
云南省社区管理严重精神障碍患者自杀行为分析 被引量:4

Suicide in severe mental disorders of Yunnan: A community-based analysis
摘要 目的:对云南省社区管理的严重精神障碍患者自杀状况进行调查分析。方法:对全省2005至2014年纳入社区管理、符合国际疾病分类第10版诊断标准的严重精神障碍(包括精神分裂症、分裂情感性障碍、偏执性精神病、双相情感障碍、癫痫所致精神障碍、精神发育迟滞伴发精神障碍)的158 161例患者的基本信息进行调查分析,并对自杀率及自杀行为特征进行比较。结果:精神障碍患者总自杀率16.692(264/158 161例),其中男性(17.244)高于女性(15.896);各类因素中以分裂情感性障碍(35.280)及精神分裂症(18.350)、大专及以上文化程度(36.810)、下岗或无业(22.422)、离婚(33.351)及布朗族(90.909)等自杀率位居首位;66.7%的患者自杀行为发生在发病后的10年内。结论:云南省严重精神障碍患者的自杀行为具有男性、青壮年、较高文化程度、下岗或无业、离婚、少数民族及在初次发病后的10年内较易发生等特点。 Objective: To explore the suicide of patients with severe mental disorders who received com- munity management in Yunnan. Mcthod:We analyzed the basic information,suicide rate and characteristics of 158161 patients with severe mental disorders, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, paranoiac psy- chosis, bipelardisorder, mental disorders due to epilepsy and mental retardation eomorbid mental disorders, who were enrolled in community management during 2005 to 2014. And all the patients were diagnosed based on In- ternational disease classification tenth edition. Results: The suicide rate in severe mental disorders is 16.692 (264/15 8161 ), and men were more likely to commit suicide ( men: 17.244 ; woman 15. 896 ). In all kinds of patents, the suicide rates of patients who were diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder (35. 280 ) and schizophrenia ( 18. 350 ), graduated from college ( 36.810 ), laid-off or unemployed ( 22.422 ), di- vorced( 33. 351 ) and Bulang people(90.909 ) were much higher. And 66.7% suicide happened in the first 10 years of course of disease. Condusion:Patients with severe mental disorders who are male,young,highly edu- cated,unemployed,divorced,specific minority,and in f'n'st 10 years of course of disease tend to eon'anit suicide.
出处 《临床精神医学杂志》 2015年第5期296-298,共3页 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
基金 中央补助地方重大公共卫生服务精神疾病防治项目
关键词 精神障碍 自杀行为 社区管理 mental disorder suicide behavior community management
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