

English Majors' Cognitive Differences in Oral English Output
摘要 采用实验和回顾访谈的方法,对60位英语专业学习者英语口语产出中的认知差异进行分析。研究发现:三组被试在答题过程中的认知差异体现在:高水平组主要是编码、比较和目标定向;中水平组主要是比较、编码和目标定向;低水平组主要是联结和比较;三组被试在口语产出过程中关注重点不同:高水平组关注得体表达和交流环境;中水平组关注语法和练习;低水平组侧重词汇和语音;高水平组能较好进行自我监控和目标定向;中低水平组则均不能较好地监控产出结果,侧重于通过母语思维、英语翻译的表达方式。 By collecting empirical corpus and results of individual interviews, this study aims at examining 60 English majors' cognitive differences in oral English output. The findings are as follows :The cognitive process of high-level group is mainly encoding, comparison and goal orientation;medium-level group is mainly comparison, encoding and goal orientation;and low-level group is mainly connection and compari- son. High-level group pay more attention to authentic expression and communication environment;medi- um-level group focus on grammar and practice;low-level students focus on vocabulary and pronunciation. High-level group have a better use of self-monitoring and goal orientation. Neither medium-level group nor low-level group can monitor output results properly, mainly relying on thinking in Chinese and translating in English.
作者 李庆照
出处 《蚌埠学院学报》 2015年第5期107-111,共5页 Journal of Bengbu University
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学青年课题(CHA140176)
关键词 英语专业 口语产出 认知差异 English majors oral output cognitive difference
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