
基于粗集-遗传支持向量机的旅游企业员工绩效评价 被引量:1

The Performance Evaluation of Tourism Enterprises Employee Based on Rough Set and Genetic Support Vector Machine
摘要 利用相关绩效评价理论建立影响旅游企业员工绩效评价的指标体系,通过粗集理论对这些指标进行约简,获得核心指标。然后,利用支持向量机对核心指标进行建模,得到旅游企业员工绩效评价模型,并将其运用到实际评价当中。实证结果表明,该模型评价识别率很高,有较强的分类能力。从旅游企业员工绩效评价结果来看,粗集及遗传算法的引入不仅能够提高评价效率,而且能够提高评价精度,与实际旅游企业员工绩效情况基本一致,从而为后续的优异评价结果提供良好的理论基础。 Using relevant performance evaluation theory , this paper established employee performance evaluation system of tourism employees,and obtained core indicators through rough set theory. Then a performance evaluation model of tourism enterprises employee was constructed by use of support vector machines and the core indicators,and applied to the actual evaluation.The results show that this model has high recognition rate and strong classification ability. From the results of the performance evaluation of tourism employees,the introduction of rough set and genetic algorithm can not only improve the efficiency of the evaluation, but also can improve the accuracy of evaluation,consistent with the actual situation of tourism enterprise employee performance.Thereby,a good theoretical basis is provided for the subsequent excellent results of the evaluation.
作者 黄绍平
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2015年第17期4370-4375,共6页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 广东农工商职业技术学院重点课题(XYZD1001)
关键词 绩效评价 旅游企业 粗集 遗传算法 支持向量机 performance evaluation tourism enterprises rough set genetic algorithm support vector machine
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