
口腔颌面部肿瘤患者术后感染细菌及耐药性分析 被引量:13

Postoperative infection bacteria and drug resistance in patients with oral and maxillofacial tumors
摘要 目的 :探讨口腔颌面部肿瘤术后感染的类型、相关原因,分析感染细菌种类及耐药性。方法 :连续收集2007年12月—2012年12月华西口腔医院出现术后感染的53例口腔颌面部肿瘤患者,使用Excel表格和SPSS 21.0软件包对患者的性别、年龄、肿瘤类型、手术时间、手术类型等进行统计,分析术后感染的细菌种类及耐药性。结果:口腔颌面部肿瘤术后感染患者以恶性肿瘤患者为主,手术时间和手术类型对手术后感染的影响较大,感染细菌包括G+菌(59.5%)和G-菌(40.5%),前者以化脓性链球菌为主,对β内酰胺类抗菌药物敏感,但对大环内酯类抗生素的耐药性较高;革兰阴性菌中,铜绿假单胞菌是多重耐药菌,给感染控制带来困难。结论:临床上应进行必要的细菌培养和药物敏感试验,合理选择使用抗生素,加强多重耐药菌的预防监测,从而提高术后感染控制率。 PURPOSE: To evaluate postoperative infection patterns of patients suffering from oral and maxillofacial neoplasms. The risk factors giving rise to postoperative infections were analyzed. Infection bacteria and antibiotic resistance were investigated. METHODS: Fifty-three cases suffering from postoperative infection were selected during 2007.12-2012.12 at the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, West China College of Stomatology. The relationship between infections and factors including patients' sex, age, type of tumor, operation time and methods were evaluated with Excel and SPSS 21.0 software package, putting emphasis on infection bacteria and drug-resistance. RESULTS: Postoperative infection mainly occurred in patients with oral malignant tumors. Operation types and time had important influence on postoperative infection. The infection bacteria included gram-positive (59.5%) and gram-negative ones (40.5%). Streptococcus pyogenes accounted for the majority of G- bacteria, which was very sensitive to 13-lactam antibiotics. Pseudomonas aeruginosa were multi-drug resistant G- bacteria, which brought difficulties to the treatment of the infection. CONCLUSIONS: Integrant bacterial culture and drug sensitivity test should be performed to choose appropriate antibiotics, and monitor muhi-drug resistant bacteria, so as to improve the control rates of postoperative infection.
出处 《上海口腔医学》 CAS CSCD 2015年第5期584-588,共5页 Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
基金 成都市科技局科技攻关项目(12PPYB044SF-002) 国家临床重点专科(口腔颌面外科)建设项目~~
关键词 口腔颌面部 肿瘤 感染 细菌 耐药性 Oral and maxillofacial region Tumor Infection Bacterium Antibiotic resistance
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