通过监测巴中市通江县沙溪、南江县汇滩和巴州区玉井3个基本农田保护区土壤中p H值、阳离子交换量、有机质,以及重金属和农药残留物质,了解该区域土壤环境质量和污染现状。结果表明,3个代表性基本农田土壤中阳离子交换量含量在12.6~18.1cmol/kg之间,有机质含量在17.9~32.0 mg/kg之间,土壤肥力水平、保肥能力和缓冲能力较好。3个代表性基本农田土壤中重金属和农药残留物质含量均在《土壤环境质量标准(修订)》(GB15618-2008)的规定限值内,土壤中金属污染物和有机农药单因子评价值均小于1,为Ⅰ级土壤。可见,巴中市基本农田土壤环境质量良好,属于清洁无污染土壤,符合现代农业发展要求。同时,针对区域现状,本研究从农药污染防治、化肥污染防治和强化生态农业建设三个方面提出土壤保护、污染防治措施及建议。
In order to study the quality and pollution situation of soil environmental, this study had monitored pH, cation exchange capacity, organic matter, as well as heavy metals and pesticide substances from the soil of three basic farmland protection areas in Bazhong City. The results indicated that the content of cation exchange capacity and organic matter in soil were respectively 12. 6 -18. lcmol/kg, 17.9 -32. 0 mg/kg. The fertility level, fertilizer retention capacity and buffering capacity of soil were good. Heavy metals and pesticide residues in the soil of three representative basic farmlands were within the limits of "Soil Environmental Quality Standards" (GB15618 -2008 ) . Single factor evaluation values of metal contaminants and organic pesticides were less than 1, thus the soil were grade I The comprehensive assessment showed that the soil environmental quality of farmland in Bazhong was good with no pollution, and could accord with the developing requirements of modern agriculture. Meanwhile, in allusion to regional situation, this study proposed measures and recommendations in soil protection from three areas of pesticide pollution prevention, fertilizer pollution prevention and ecological agricultural construction strengthening.
Sichuan Environment
Soil environmental quality
basic farmland
countermeasure analysis