
广播电视节目标签标注与可视化研究 被引量:2

Tagging and Labelling of Broadcast TV Programs and Research on Visualization
摘要 针对传统广播电视节目类型和节目标签并行存在,无法定量刻画节目与标签接近程度,节目与标签关联关系展示效果不佳的问题,提出了电视节目与标签"粘度"的概念,通过为电视节目标签赋予不同权重,并利用D3插件建立节目与标签的扁平化网络结构关系,实现了节目与标签关系的定量描述及可视化展示。通过抓取网络热播剧标签,对标签粘度进行计算及可视化展示,证明提出的方案能够直观、动态地将标签粘度关系进行有效展示,可以为后续的数据分析和数据挖掘提供技术基础。 In view of traditional broadcast television program type parallel existence, which is unable to quantitatively describe the fitness and closeness of programs and labels, as well as lacking of visualizing the relationship between the programs and labels , the concept of the "viscosity" of television program and label is put forward, the labels are assigned weights, and the flat network relationship between the programs and labels is painted, which quantitatively describe and visualize the relationship between the labels and programs. Through calculating the viscosity of labels, and visualizing the relationship the programs and labels, the result prove that the method proposed in this paper show the relationship between the programs and labels dynamically and efficiently, which can provide the technical foundation for data analysis and data mining.
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2015年第20期71-74,共4页 Video Engineering
基金 国家广播电影电视总局科研项目(2-4)
关键词 节目分类 节目标签 标签粘度 可视化 Program classification Program label the viscosity of label Visualization
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