目的:研究肿瘤患者多次反复输血对交叉配血结果的影响。方法选取安阳市肿瘤医院152例肿瘤患者和127例非肿瘤患者进行病例样本研究,分别设为肿瘤组与非肿瘤组,根据实际输血次数将肿瘤组患者分为2~5次输血组与6次以上多次输血组,配血结果通过微柱凝胶法及凝聚胺法进行分析。比较肿瘤组与非肿瘤组、2~5次输血及≥6次输血的交叉配血结果。结果肿瘤组凝聚胺法、微柱凝胶法测定相合率分别为90.13%、84.87%,不相合率分别为9.87%、18.11%,与非肿瘤组相合率(97.64%、94.85%)及不相合率(2.36%、3.15%)比较差异有统计学意义( P<0.05);输血2~5次患者凝聚胺法和微柱凝胶法检测相合率为94.12%、88.2%,不相合率为5.88%、11.76%,与≥6次患者相合率(89.55%、82.09%)、不相合率(10.45%、17.91%)比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两种交叉配血检测方式比较,凝聚胺法高于微柱凝胶法,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论肿瘤患者较非肿瘤患者交叉配血符合率较低,而输血次数和输血量与配血符合率呈负相关,对此应加强高危患者的临床防范,并将微柱凝胶法设为优选方案。
Objective To analyze the influence of repeated blood transfusions on the results of cross matching of blood.Methods One hundred and fifty-two tumor patients and 127 no-cancer patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of tumor.Tumor patients were divided into two groups according to the numbers of blood transfusion, a group of blood transfusion 2-5 times and another group of blood transfusion more than 6 times.Cross matching results performed by microcolumn gel test ( MGT) and moditying polybrene test( MPT) were compared.Results The MGT and MPT consistency rate of tumor patients was 90.13%and 84.87%, which was significantly lower than that of no-cancer pa-tients(P<0.05).The MGT and MPT consistency rate of tumor patients with 2-5 times blood transfu-sion was 94.12%and 88.2%, there was significant difference in the consistency rate between the result of two crossmatching methods in the tumor group(P<0.05).There was significant difference between the results of two cross matching methods ( P<0.05 ) .Conclusions The tumor patients have lower cross matching consistency rate than the no-cancer patients.The cross matching consistency rate of the tumor patients reduce with the increase of the number of blood transfusions.The MGT is more sensitive than MPT in cross matching of blood.
Chinese Journal of Practical Medicine
Repeated blood transfusions
Cross matching