
微生物代谢组学的研究策略及其在人体微生物中的应用 被引量:1

Research strategies of microbial metabolomics and its application in human microbes
摘要 微生物代谢组学诞生于1992年,其研究一般包括样本采集、样本检测和数据分析。早期,微生物代谢组学主要用于不同菌株特性的生物学鉴定;目前,代谢组学技术已应用于微生物表型分类、突变体筛选,代谢途径和微生物代谢工程,发酵工程监控和优化,微生物环境污染物等方面。在口腔医学领域,微生物代谢组学技术在微生物鉴定以及龋病、牙周病、唇腭裂和口腔肿瘤研究中皆有应用,最多的还是用于口腔中的致龋菌和牙周致病菌代谢产物的分析。微生物代谢组学技术可以很好地检测出不同菌株间的差异,因而有望成为口腔微生物快速鉴定的新技术。本文就微生物代谢组学的研究策略及应用进展作一综述并提出未来研究中面临的难题。 Microbial metabolomics began in 1992, and research on this field includes sample collection, sample testing, and data analysis. Early microbial metabolomics is mainly utilized for the biological identification and characterization of different strains. At present, metabolomics has been applied to microbial phenotypic classification, mutant screening, metabolic pathway and metabolic engineering, control and optimization of fermentation engineering and microbial contaminants, and so on. In dentistry, microbial metabolomics technology has been applied in microbial identification, dental caries, periodontal disease and oral cancer, and cleft lip and palate. Analysis of cariogenic bacteria and perio- dontal pathogen metabolites in the oral cavity is a common practice. Given its accuracy in differentiating different strains, microbial metabolomics technology is expected to become a new technique for the rapid identification of oral microorganisms. This paper reviews the progress in the study of microbial strategies and applications of metabolomics and presents the problems that may be faced in future studies.
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第6期703-709,共7页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 代谢组学 微生物 质谱 磁共振 口腔 metabolomics microorganism mass spectrometry magnetic resonance dentistry
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