为减少烤烟地膜覆盖栽培造成的"白色污染"和揭膜用工成本,采用田间随机区组试验研究生物降解膜对烤烟产质量的影响,测定生物降解膜在田间降解过程。试验结果表明:覆盖地膜能促进烟株快速还苗,有利于提高和改善烟叶产质量。在垄体保温、增温效果上,生物降解地膜与普通地膜无显著差异,均能缩短烤烟还苗期。覆盖生物降解膜比不覆盖地膜上中等烟提高5.82个百分点,每公顷产量增加32.85 kg,产值增加813.75元,与普通膜覆盖相比,上中等烟比例、产量略低但无显著差异,烟叶身份和色度略差,生物降解膜在烟株进入团棵期开始裂解,烟地翻犁前基本降解完成。因此,生物降解膜可在烤烟地膜覆盖中应用,但降解时间与烟叶生育期不完全同步,应进一步改进其降解性能。
In order to reduce white pollution and the labor cost of clearing the mulch in flue-cured tobaccomulching cultivation, effect of biodegradable mulch on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco as well as thedegradation process of biodegradable mulch in field were investigated in this study by utilizing the fieldrandomized block experiment. As the results showed that film mulching, which could promote fast recovery ofsurvival of tobacco seedlings, was conducive to enhance and improve the yield and quality of flue- curedtobacco. Both biodegradable mulch and ordinary plastic could shorten the survival period of flue- curedtobacco seedling, while there was no significant difference in heat preservation and increasing temperature tothe field ridges. Furthermore, the upper and middle class tobacco leave proportion of biodegradable mulchtreatment was 5.82 percentage points higher than that of none mulching, with yield increase of 32.85 kg/hm2 and output value increase of 813.75 yuan/hm2. Compared with ordinary film mulch, the yield and the upper andmiddle class tobacco leave proportion of biodegradable mulch treatment were slightly lower but had nosignificant difference, with slightly insufficient leaf thickness and color. Finally, the biodegradable mulch filmbegan to crack in the rosette stage, and completely degraded before the field was ploughed. So it is possible forthe application of biodegradable mulch in flue-cured tobacco mulching cultivation, but the cracking time is notsynchronous to flue-cured tobacco growth period, and the degradability should be improved.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
flue-cured tobacco
mulch film
biodegradable mulch
mulching cultivation