
欧洲双语教师能力结构解析 被引量:4

Analysis of the Capacity Structure of European Bilingual Teachers
摘要 双语教师能力在结构上具有比普通教师更复杂的特点与要求。基于《欧洲课语整合式学习教师教育框架》提出的八项能力发展目标,可将欧洲双语教师能力归纳为"三圈层、多交叉"结构,即多元文化教育能力基础层、双语教学实践能力主体层及双语教师领导能力核心层。这三个圈层与教师的素养、知识、技能等多项能力交叉形成了不同层面的立体交叉结构。 Bilingual teachers have more complicated characteristics and requirements than ordinary teachers in capacity structure. According to eight capacity development goals proposed in European Framework for CLIL Teacher Education, European bilingual teachers' capacity structure can be summed up as three layers with multiple crossing, which include the basic layer of multicultural education capacity, the main body layer of bilingual teaching capacity and the core layer of bilingual teacher' s leadership capacity. Teacher' s capacity structure is formed by the three layers crossing with teacher's attainment, knowledge, skill and other capacities at different layers.
作者 王瑜 刘妍
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期135-140,共6页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 广西教育科学"十二五"规划2014年度广西民族教育研究专项课题"多元文化视域下壮汉双语教学规律研究"(项目编号:2014ZMJ025)阶段性成果 广西教育厅自治区基础教育教学改革经费资助成果
关键词 欧洲双语教育 双语教师 能力结构 European bilingual education bilingual teacher capacity structure
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