
小额信贷能改善穷人福利吗?--微观影响评估研究综述 被引量:16

Can Micro-credit improve the Well-being of Poor People? Evidence from Literature on Micro-level Impact Evaluation
摘要 本文就小额信贷扶贫的理论基础、采用的实证影响评估方法以及小额信贷干预对当地居民的经济和社会福利所产生的影响等方面的国内外代表性文献进行了系统梳理。这些实证研究虽然没有取得一致性的结论,但是有助于我们深入理解小额信贷对于穷人脱贫的价值及其局限性,以及因时、因地、因人设计适合的金融产品和流程以便更好地满足穷人的需求。 This paper reviews the representative literature about the impact of micro-credit on economic and social well-being of the poor as well as the evaluation methods. Although these empirical researches have not reached a consensus,their efforts help us understand the values and channels of micro-credit on poor and its drawbacks as a tool for poverty alleviation,as well as meet the poor's demand by means of designing more suitable products.
作者 李莹星
出处 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期86-95,112,共10页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
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