
不同西兰花品种中硫代葡萄糖苷的组分与含量分析 被引量:8

Glucosinolate Component and Content Analysis of Different Broccoli Varieties
摘要 采用HPLC法测定分析了29个西兰花品种的硫代葡萄糖苷组分与含量,结果检测到8种硫代葡萄糖苷,包括4种脂肪族硫苷:3-甲基硫氧烯丙基硫苷、2-羟基-3-丁烯基硫苷、4-甲基硫氧丁基硫苷和3-丁烯基硫苷:4种吲哚族硫苷:4-羟基吲哚基-3-甲基硫苷、3-甲基吲哚基硫苷、4-甲氧基吲哚基-3-甲基硫苷和1-甲氧基吲哚基-3-甲基硫苷。总硫苷含量平均为11.27μmol/g,RAA,GBC和NEO是西兰花三种主要的硫苷成分,分别占总硫苷含量的34.78%、25.02%和23.25%。不同西兰花品种的总硫苷含量变异范围5.60-17.04μLm01/g,存在较大差异。 Glucosinolates component and content of 29 broccoli varieties were analyzed by HPLC method. As a result, a total of eight kinds of glucosinolates in broccoli bud-head were detected. Four kinds of them were aliphatic glucosino- lates, such as glucoiberin(IBE), progoitrin(PRO), glucoraphanin(RAA) and gluconapin(NAP), and the others were indolic glucosinolates, such as 4-Hydroxyglucobrassicin(4OH), glucobrassicin(GBC), 4-Methoxyglucobrassicin(4ME) and Neoglu- cobrassicin (NEO). The content of total glucosinolates was 11.27μmol· g^-1 DW. RAA, GBC and NEO were the predomi- nant component of glucosinolates in broccoli bud-head, with a proportion of 34.78%, 25.02% and 23.25% respectively. The content of total glucosinolates in different variety of broccoli varied from 5.60 μmol·g^-1 DW to 17.04 μmol·g^-1 DW.
出处 《长江蔬菜》 2015年第20期70-74,共5页 Journal of Changjiang Vegetables
关键词 西兰花 硫代葡萄糖苷 脂肪族硫代葡萄糖苷 吲哚族硫代葡萄糖苷 Broccoli, Glucosinolate, Aliphatic glucosinolate, Indolic glucosinolate
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