目的观察益精杞菊地黄颗粒剂对眼压控制的早期青光眼视野的影响。方法 2014年2月—2015年6月在我院门诊就诊的眼压控制的早期青光眼患者60例(120只眼),包括原发性开角型青光眼、原发性闭角型青光眼及正常眼压性青光眼患者。随机分为治疗组及对照组。治疗组30例(60只眼),予口服服用益精杞菊地黄颗粒剂(杞菊地黄丸加减方);对照组30例(60只眼),予口服腺苷钻胺片。2组均连续用药3个月,观察2组治疗前后的视野变化。结果治疗后3个月,2组受试者视野的平均光敏感度(MS)、平均缺损(MD)及丢失方差(LV)数值均较治疗前改善(P<0.05),但各指标变化值的组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。视野疗效评价:治疗组视野改善25只眼,稳定35只眼,恶化0只眼,视野改善率41.7%;对照组视野改善24只眼,稳定36只眼,恶化0只眼,视野改善率40.0%,2组改善率差异无统计学意义(c2=0.034,P=0.853)。2组受试者治疗后的视力均未见明显变化。结论益精杞菊地黄颗粒剂与腺苷钴胺对于早期青光眼视野损害均有改善作用,且作用相当。
OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of&nbsp;Yijing Qiju Dihuang granules on early glaucomatous visual field of intraocular pressure control. METHODS In our hospital outpatient from February 2014-June 2015, IOP controlled early glaucoma patients (60cases, 120 eyes), including primary open-angle glaucoma, primary angle-closure glaucoma and normal glaucoma patients were ran-domly divided into treatment group and control group. Treatment group, 30 patients (60 eyes), was given oral ad-ministration to Yijing Qiju Dihuang granules (Qijudihuang Pill);control group of 30 patients (60 eyes), to oral adenosine amine drill sheet. Two groups were on medication for three months, and were observed field changes before and after treatment. RESULTS Three months after treatment, two groups’ mean sensitivity (MS), mean defect (MD) and loss variance (LV) value improved than that before treatment (P〈0.05), but changes in the value of each index had no significant difference (P〉0.05). Evaluation Vision:therapy group 25 eyes improved, 35 eyes steady and 0 eye deteriorated, vision improvement rate was 41.7%;control group, 24 eyes improved, stable 36 eyes, and 0 eye deteriorated, vision improvement rate was 40.0%. Improvement rate of the two groups showed no significant dif-ference (c2=0.034, P=0.853). Vision of the 2 groups after treatment showed no significant changes. CONCLU-SIONS Yijing Qiju Dihuang granules and adenosylcobalamin had played a considerable role for early glaucoma vi-sual field damage.
China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
Chinese medicine