设计了一款应用于WALN及Wi MAX无线通信领域中的小型平面天线。该天线覆盖了IEEE802.11a/b/g(2.4-2.484GHz,5.15-5.35GHz,5.725-5.875GHz)及IEEE802.16(3.4-3.69GHz)频段的标准。选用L形天线作为基本的天线,天线的三个极子对应于三个不同的工作频段。并在HFSS中建立了该天线的电磁仿真模型,仿真结果表明,该天线在三个工作频段内的回波损耗都小于-10d B,阻抗匹配特性良好。
A small size Multi-band planar antenna for WLAN/Wi MAX is designed in this paper.The antenna can cover the working bands of IEEE802.11a/b/g(2.4-2.484 GHz,5.15-5.35 GHz,5.725-5.875GHz)and IEEE802.16(3.4-3.69GHz).The basic part of this antenna is a L monopole antenna.The antenna's three pole corresponding to the three different working frequencies.An electromagnetic model of the designed antenna is developed in HFSS for numerical analysis and optimization.The result show that this antenna with return Loss is less than-10 d B at different frequency points and it has good impedance matching characteristics.
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