

HSR Passenger Station Available Capacity Calculation under Train Reception and Departure Plan Established
摘要 高铁站可用能力计算对确定列车开行方案的可行性有重要意义.首先分析了高铁站可用能力的影响因素,然后构建了基于股道空闲时段的高铁站可用能力数学模型,提出了先验性优化策略与智能优化算法相结合的双阶段算法对模型求解.其中,第一阶段是综合运用最小股道空闲时段优先、最大平行进路优先、股道空闲时间段内出发时间最小的列车类型优先等策略规则求出模型可行初始解,第二阶段是在初始解基础上运用禁忌搜索算法寻找模型优化满意解,最后用实例对算法的有效性进行验证. The calculation of HSR passenger station available capacity is of great significance to determine the feasibility of passenger train operation plan. The main influence factors of HSR available capacity firstly are analyzed. Then mathematical model of HSR available capacity based on the idle periods of tracks is built.A two-level heuristic algorithm, in which some optimization strategies are combined with intelligent optimization algorithm, is offered. In the first level, a feasible initial solution is found by using the policy of minimum idle period of track priority, the maximum parallel route priority, the minimum departure time of train type priority. In the second level, the Tabu search algorithm is used to search a satisfied solution based on the initial solution. At last, an example is used to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期178-185,共8页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(61273242 61403317 60776826) 四川省科技厅软科学计划项目(2015ZR0141) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2682015CX043) 中国铁路总公司科技研究计划项目(2015X008-B 2014X004-D)
关键词 铁路运输 可用能力计算 双层算法 高铁站 列车作业计划 railway transportation calculation of available capacity two-level algorithm high-speed passenger station train reception and departure plan
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