
中国2030年电动汽车电力系统储能应用研究(上) 被引量:3

Study on Energy Storage Application in China Electric Vehicles in 2030
摘要 作为我国七大战略性新兴产业之一,电动汽车的大规模发展将对电力系统变革产生深远影响。我国虽然制定了较高的电动汽车发展目标,但缺乏电动汽车对电力系统影响的研究,特别是对电动汽车参与电力系统运行的技术可行性和经济性的综合评估仍有不足。本文将在梳理国内外针对电动汽车大规模并网对电力系统影响的相关研究成果的基础上,结合国内电力市场及政策,分析我国未来电动汽车与电网的互动方式及其在电力系统中的应用前景,并从技术可行性和经济性两方面,探讨电动汽车储能对电力系统低碳转型的推动作用。文章分为上、下两篇。 As one of the seven strategic emerging industries in China, the fast electrification of road transport sector will have a significant impact on the power system. Although Chinese government sets a high electric vehicle development target, the implications of electric vehicles on the power system transition has not been fully evaluated. This paper estimates the technical and economic impacts of a large scale of electric vehicles on China's power system with a case study in Beijing, and discusses the electric vehicles' role in improving operation efficiency and low carbon transition of power system in China. The whole study divides into 2 sections, this paper is section 1.
作者 刘坚
出处 《中国能源》 2015年第10期29-34,共6页 Energy of China
基金 国家可再生能源中心项目
关键词 电动汽车 储能 电动汽车与电网互动(V2G) Electric Vehicles Energy Storage Vehicle to Grid (V2G)
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