英东构造带属于英雄岭南缘狮子沟-油砂山构造带东段,该区断层发育,构造破碎,从而使钻井施工风险增加,钻进提速困难。为了提高该区钻进速度,在对邻井提速资料调研的基础上,通过优选钻头、优化钻具组合及钻井参数,提高了钻井速度,缩短了钻井周期。2014年英东区块钻井65口,累计完成进尺133 555 m。设计平均完井周期29.2d,实际平均完井周期26.02d,完井周期缩短10%,经济效益提高10%以上。通过完善监管机制、提升监管人员素质,提高了钻井工程监督管理水平和施工质量。
Yingdong tectonic belt is the east section of Shizigou-Youshashan tectonic belt in the southern edge of Yingxiongling. In this area, faults are developed and structure is broken, which increases drilling risk and makes the increase of drilling speed difficult.In order to increase the drilling speed in this area, the drilling data of adjacent wells are investigated, and the drilling cycle is shortened by optimizing bit, drilling assembly and drilling parameters. In 2014, 65 wells were drilled and a total footage of 133 555 m was finished in Yingdong block. The designed average completion period is 29.2d, the actual average completion period is 26.02 d, and the completion period is shortened by 10%, and the economic benefit is improved more than 10%. The supervision and management level and the construction quality of the drilling engineering are improved through improving the supervision mechanism, improving the quality of the supervision personnel.
Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry
drilling speed increasing
Yingdong area
supervision and management